Emirhan Yörük
Batuhan Rözet
Emirhan Karadaş
Nisan Bedia Sağdıç
Recep Sefer Köksal
Advertising and Sponsorship Responsible
Mustafa Kemal Doşır
Communication Consultant
Polletika is an independent content platform whose intellectual foundations started to be laid in 2022 and whose technical infrastructure was completed in 2023. It serves as a platform where ideas, thoughts and analyzes meet in fields such as politics, foreign policy, economy, international relations, history and culture. Our main goal is to inspire readers by publishing articles.
Polletika aims to raise the level of knowledge of the society, present complex issues in an understandable way, and create a conscious society by providing a fair and impartial perspective.
Each article is prepared based on the latest research and presented in an unbiased manner. Published articles cover a wide range and consist of contributions from authors from various disciplines. We cover many topics from politics to economy, from foreign policy to culture, from history to international relations. This comprehensive approach offers our readers different perspectives, allowing them to think and discuss more deeply.
In the future, as Polletika, we aim to produce more content, collaborate with new writers and offer more value to our readers. We will continue to help society make more informed decisions by defending the principles of access to information, freedom of thought and impartiality.