Since its beginning, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has drawn attention fromall around the world as a complicated geopolitical issue. The conflict has its origins in historical, cultural, and political difficulties; Ukraine wants to integrate with the West moreclosely, especially with the European Union and NATO, but Russia is resisting this goal.

Inorder to comprehend this dispute in the context of conventional theories of internationalrelations, specifically liberalism and realism, it is imperative to scrutinize the fundamentalincentives and mechanisms involved.
In terms of international relations theory, liberalism places a strong emphasis on therole that norms, institutions, and collaboration play in influencing state conduct. The warbetween Russia and Ukraine might be interpreted from a liberal standpoint as a strugglebetween divergent ideas about integration and government. Aspirations for deeper linksbetween Ukraine and the West are based on liberal values such as economic growth, democracy, and respect for human rights. The 2014 Euromaidan protests, which resulted in the ousting of Viktor Yanukovych, the pro-Russian president of Ukraine, represented thenation's aspiration for a more liberal and Western-oriented course.
However, a realism perspective can be used to analyze Russia's reaction to Ukraine'spro-Western trend. According to realism, in anarchic international relations, governments areessentially interested in ensuring their own security and existence. In a practical sense Russiasees Ukraine's movement toward the West as a threat to its security and geopoliticalobjectives. Russia's historical and regional spheres of influence are directly challenged byUkraine's possible NATO membership.
Furthermore, realism emphasizes how military dynamics and power relationshipsinfluence state policy. Russia adopted a realist strategy to secure strategic assets and stop further Western influence encroachment in the region, as evidenced by its annexation of Crimea in 2014 and its backing of separatist forces in eastern Ukraine. Moreover, Russia'smilitary buildup and solid foreign policy stance highlight its determination to protect itssphere of influence and prevent any perceived challenges to it.
While liberalism emphasizes the value of norms and collaboration, it could undervaluethe influence that security concerns and power conflicts have on determining state action, especially in areas where there have long been hostilities and geopolitical rivalry. The realismviewpoint provides a more perceptive analysis of the underlying dynamics and incentivesguiding the decisions and actions of both governments in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
In conclusion, the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine is a result of a complicated interaction between conflicting interests, resentment from the past, andgeopolitical factors. Realists offer a more convincing account of the war by focusing on power dynamics, security concerns, and strategic calculations, while liberals emphasize theinfluence of norms and institutions on state behavior. In the end, analyzing the conflictthrough a realism perspective provides a greater comprehension of the fundamental causesand difficulties involved in addressing this protracted crisis.